, Ann Yost That Voodoo That You Do [Wild Rose] (pdf) 

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"So this is your anniversary," Gillian said.
Crystal nodded. Her amethyst eyes looked dreamy.
"Everyone said it was the most beautiful wedding ever held at
St. Michael's."
Jessie believed the claim. She'd seen the photo. Most
beautiful wedding. Most beautiful bride. Most besotted
Howard Maynard appeared at the door and he motioned to
Jessie. Fresh from a nap he looked rested. Jessie's mood
lightened. She'd wanted her dad healthy and her family
together. It was all good. They walked down the hall to
That Voodoo That You Do
by Ann Yost
Blanche's comfortable study. Howard took the big desk chair
while Jessie sat on a small sofa.
"I just wanted to take a minute to apologize, sweetheart."
"Your mother and I saw your marriage to Kit as a way to
solve our problem. In all fairness, I believe he's a fine young
man. It seemed like a good match for you but that doesn't
excuse our selfishness."
Jessie shook her head. She couldn't let him take all the
blame. "I apologize to you for all the time and money spent
on the wedding. I thought Kit and I could make a go of it but
it never would have worked."
"I see that now," he said. "You were always more friends
than lovers. I never saw that desperate passion on either of
your faces."
She smiled. "Is that how you feel about Mom?"
He nodded. "She's my life. I'm glad you finally found
someone you could feel that way about."
Jessie's face burned. She'd been too obvious. Now her
folks would be disappointed again. "What about you and
Mom? Will you remarry?"
He grinned. It was a satisfied expression she hadn't seen
on his face in a long while. "We haven't discussed it. I haven't
told her I'm retiring in January. Gonna let Kit run the show. If
he does well, I'll sell him the business."
"What about Grandad's legacy?"
"I've learned an important lesson through the heart attack,
the divorce and your canceled wedding. You can't spend your
That Voodoo That You Do
by Ann Yost
life taking care of someone else's dream. You've only got one
chance, Jess. Do what you want to do."
Jessie stayed in the study after her father had left. She
thought about his words. She thought about all the efforts
she'd made to hold her family together, to protect her dad's
health, to be the daughter her parents needed instead of the
woman she was.
She'd started to pursue her own dreams down here in
Mystic Hollow. Here, in Great Aunt Blanche's home, in her
town, Jessie had finally found a place where she could be
herself, a place that felt like home. She'd become her own
person. She knew it wasn't the quaint house or Blanche's
friends or even the murder investigation that had wrought the
change. Love had made her see beneath the surface, made
her feel alive. She thought about Luke and her heart
squeezed. The metamorphosis had come with a high price but
even so, she wasn't sorry. And she vowed not to be bitter. If
Crystal could make Luke happy, she wanted him to have her.
That's what love was all about, wasn't it?
She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. The
noble sentiment faded when she remembered the feel of
Luke's body on hers, the tickle of his breath at her ear, the
sense of oneness she'd never experienced with anybody else.
She was lying to herself. She didn't want Luke to reconcile
with Crystal. She wanted the man for herself. That thought
gave rise to a more painful one. She still had secret
knowledge that would help Francine and Zach. She needed to
use it without hurting Luke and there was only one way to do
that. She headed for the kitchen in search of Crystal.
That Voodoo That You Do
by Ann Yost
When the women were back in Blanche's study with the
door closed, Jessie didn't know where to begin. She decided
just to plunge in. "I read some of Blanche's," she hesitated
then chose a word, "diary. She knew you were getting
together with Bobby Ray and using Francine's name to hide
Jessie knew her tone was accusing. She thought she saw
remorse on the other woman's face and she tried to lighten
"In any case, Zach and Francine are going to get married. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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