, Carole Mortimer After the Loving [HP 1019, MB 2696] (pdf) 

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believed Raff could make her that; they could have no idea of the
bargain she had made with her new husband.
'Yes,' she turned back to Stuart Hillier. 'I hope you're enjoying
yourself too.' She looked at him enquiringly.
'Of course,' he returned stiltedly.
His manner was unfriendly to say the least, and after months of
finding him overly familiar, if anything, she couldn't help wondering
if he had been warned off by Raff's attitude towards Court a few
minutes ago. She hoped so.
She didn't know why she disliked this man, iie was always polite,
sometimes too much so, and yet for some reason she felt uneasy in his
presence. He was reasonably tall, although not as tall as either Raff or
Court, with dark hair and deep brown eyes that should have been
warm but somehow weren't. He made Bryna feel uncomfortable
every time she was with him.
'Good,' she gave him a bright smile as the music ended, turning to
walk away, only to have him clasp her arm. 'Yes?' she turned to him
'Raff asked me to look after you, until he returns,' Stuart told her
'Indeed ?' She gave him a look of haughty disdain. T don't believe I
need "looking after" at my own wedding, thank you!'
'Nevertheless --'
'Mr Hillier,' she cut in icily, 'at this moment I intend talking to one of
my cousins, and I certainly don't need your company to do that!'
How dared Raff tell his assistant to watch over her as if she were a
child who could step out of line and embarrass him if left alone! He
had never acted in that autocratic way with her before, never given
the impression she wasn't to be trusted if left on her own. Maybe he
expected her to get up on a table and announce to all their guests that
they were to be parents in just over six months' time! That was going
to be obvious soon enough anyway, and she certainly wouldn't
embarrass her parents by even thinking about doing such a thing!
She was chatting absently with her cousin and her fiance when she
saw Court leave the room he and Raff had entered together, quickly
excusing herself to cross the room towards him, a perplexed frown
marring her brow as he turned to leave the reception room without a
second glance, his expression thunderous.
Bryna hurried after him. 'Court  '
The pain of having her wrist cruelly grasped was as nothing to the
ache in her chest as she looked up into Raff's coldly furious face. He
actually looked as if he hated her in that moment! He had never
seemed so much a stranger.
She wrenched her gaze away from his cold one, looking towards the
door. 'But Court --'
'Had to leave unexpectedly,' Raff bit out in harsh reply.
Bryna turned back to him slowly, frowning her bewilderment. 'You
asked your best friend to leave our wedding,' she said disbelievingly.
'No,' Raff grated softly. 'He chose to leave.'
Bryna faced him accusingly. 'Because you made him,' she realised
disgustedly. 'What on earth do you think you're doing --'
'I think I'm trying to avoid causing a scene, but if you're intent on
one --!' He nodded in the direction of the room he and Court had so
recently vacated. 'Let's go in there,' he instructed between gritted
Bryna went willingly. She had been woken by her mother at seven
o'clock this morning, been hustled and bustled about all morning
dealing with all the last-minute details, been married to a man who
was now a stranger to her, and for the last four hours she had tried to
put a happy face on that marriage in front of their families and
friends. It felt good to at last have a respite from that, although she
wished it could have been in happier circumstances.
The room turned out to be a small lounge, even a small, fire burned in
the grate; the room was obviously provided for people who found the
festivity in the ballroom a bit much. Bryna wished she had known
about it earlier; four hours earlier!
She. turned to Raff. 'Why are you being so arrogantly unreasonable?'
she demanded.
He looked at her coldly. 'I consider my behaviour very reasonable,' he
snapped. ' You're the one who insisted on making an exhibition of
Her cheeks coloured at the accusation. 'I was only dancing with
Court --'
'Forgive me, but when I interrupted you certainly weren't dancing,'
rasped Raff, thrusting his long capable hands into his trouser pockets.
'The two of you were drawing attention to yourselves by that mere
fact alone, and minutes earlier dozens of our guests witnessed the
way he caressed your hair --'
'He wasn't caressing my hair,' she defended heatedly. 'He was trying
to take off my veil!'
Grey eyes narrowed. 'Why?'
'Because he's kind.' Tears glistened in her violet- coloured eyes.
'Because the veil was making by head, ache!'
'If it makes your head ache why didn't you just remove it yourself?' he
Because she had known it would displease him! My God, she
thought, in the space of just two weeks she had become one of those
women she despised, in awe of her husband instead of the
independent woman she had always been, fearing his disapproval to
the slightest move she made.
She was a successful businesswoman, for goodness' sake, with a
mind and will of her own, not some simpering simpleton afraid of her
own shadow. Consideration for the feelings of others was one thing,
but in Raff's case she had taken it too far!
'I thought I was supposed to keep up appearances,' she told him
caustically, deftly removing the pins from her hair, at once feeling the
pressure ease.
'But I think four hours is enough for any bride!' She put the tiara and
veil down on a small table in front of her, shaking her hair just to feel
its freedom. 'Now I intend enjoying what's left of my wedding
reception, you can act as watchdog if you want to!' She turned to
'What's that supposed to mean?' he grated harshly, his mouth tight.
Bryna spun around. 'Do you think I'm a fool, Raff?' she scorned. 'I
know you've been watching my every move since I agreed to marry
you. Why, I have no idea, but I think even you can trust I wouldn't do
anything stupid at my own wedding!'
His mouth was taut and unremorseful. 'You've already caused quite a
lot of talk by your behaviour earlier with Court --'
'What behaviour?' she demanded impatiently. 'I only danced with
'And told him about the baby,' Raff bit out accusingly.
'He's your best friend, I would have thought you would have already [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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