, Daphne Clair No Escape [HP 1056, MB 2765] (pdf) 

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reason why I'd like to be open with her now. I've never deceived her
in her life.'
'What does she ... how did she react?'
'She was very young when she first asked, about five.'
About five, Karen thought. The turning point, when I so nearly went
back. Supposing I had ... But Drew was saying, 'She accepted it well,
and she's grown up with it. Only lately -'
Without wanting to, Karen asked, 'What?'
'She's been ... unhappy about it. Asking more questions about you,
feeling like an odd one out with her friends.'
'Surely some of her friends must have one-parent families? It isn't
'No, but mostly the one parent is the mother. It's ... unusual for a
woman to run out on her family.'
Sensitive to any implied criticism, she said sharply, 'Men have been
running out for decades! Why is it different when a woman does it?'
'Let's not get into that,' he said. 'I didn't say it's any different, just that
it's not so common. I'm trying to be fair, and not to ... judge you.' He
might be trying, she thought, but she could see the condemnation in
his eyes. 'For girls,' he said, 'a mother is important at that age. She
needs someone, Karen.'
'All right, I'm sure you know what she needs.' Mentally she braced
herself. 'I suppose you have someone in mind?'
She wouldn't have believed that this could hurt so much. For years
she had assumed he had probably found someone else, but now that
he was here, talking of it, she could scarcely stop herself from
screaming at him.
He was staring at her strangely, his brows drawn together. 'Yes,' he
said slowly, 'I have someone in mind.'
She turned away, biting her lip. 'Well, you don't need my permission.'
'Don't you care?' He grabbed at her arm suddenly, swinging, her
round to face him. She could see the baffled anger in his eyes, the
pupils contracted as he stared down at her startled face. Then he
moved his other hand, and was gripping her, bringing her closer. His
face had changed, subtly. His eyes darkened, the pupils growing
suddenly larger. She looked away from them, but her gaze lit on his
mouth, and even though it was closed in a bitter line, she felt a
sudden throb of irrational longing. He said, 'Doesn't it mean anything
to you, that I might be thinking of taking another woman as my wife
... and Holly's mother?'
'Stepmother!' she reminded him involuntarily, wrenching herself
away. Then she said unevenly, 'It's nothing to do with me.'
'You selfish bitch!' he exploded. 'Holly's your daughters Supposing I
saddle her with a stepmother she can't get along with? Someone who
doesn't like her! That's nothing to do with you?'
Karen was white, trembling and desperate to hide it. 'You wouldn't
do that to her. I wouldn't have left her with you, if...' She looked at
him helplessly, her fingers kneading her temples. She dropped her
hand and said, 'I don't understand why you're telling me all this, what
you're asking me to do.' Surely he didn't expect her to vet his choice
of bride? 'Anyway,' she said huskily, 'I gave up any rights I have over
Holly a long time ago.'
'I know you did,' he said, reining in his temper with some effort. He
paused and said slowly, his eyes on her face, 'But I'm offering them
back to you, Karen.'
'WHAT ... do you mean?' she asked through stiff lips, hope and dread
a churning mix in her stomach.
For a moment he didn't answer. She had a strange feeling that he had
surprised himself. 'I believe the legal term is "access",' he said. 'I'm
offering you the chance to see Holly regularly, to have her with you
sometimes, to get to know her.'
Her heart began a slow, painful thudding. Her voice muffled, she
replied, 'That's ... very generous of you, Drew.'
Harshly he said, 'I'm not doing it for you! This is for her. I told you,
she needs someone ... she needs you.'
Almost humbly she said, 'I... Would you trust me?'
His eyes were narrowed and hard. 'There are conditions. You don't
say yes unless you can swear you'll stick to the arrangement, that you
won't go swanning off again when you get tired of having a
Karen felt her face go taut with hurt anger. She turned away to hide
it, but he caught her arms again and wrenched her round to face him.
'I want your promise,' he said, 'and if you don't keep to it, if you ever
let Holly down again, I swear I'll find you this time and break every
damned bone in your beautiful body.' He looked as though he meant
it, his eyes unyielding, his voice harsh and threatening. 'And if you
don't say yes, I'll do what you wanted what you said you wanted
and leave you alone. But this is your last chance. You'll never see
me or Holly again. I'll make sure of it. There are plenty of jobs
overseas available to me.'
She stayed still and silent in his hold. His grip was painful, but not
nearly as painful as what he was saying. Once she had made the
choice, and thought the agony of it would kill her. It had taken years
to overcome the crippling damage to her emotions. Now he was
asking her to make that same cruel choice over again. She didn't
think she had the strength.
Drew said, watching her face, 'You do care for her, Karen. You've
tried not to let me know it, but you've shown it a dozen times since
we met again. Whatever it was that sent you away, it had nothing to
do with Holly. Even after all this time, she isn't just another little girl
to you, is she?'
Swallowing, Karen shook her head.
'Whatever you are, whatever you've done in the past, I don't think
you'd deliberately hurt her. And she has a right to know her own
'What about... if you marry again? Your ... wife might not be very
keen on the idea.'
He frowned at her impatiently. 'I'm not marrying again,' he said
shortly. 'You jumped to conclusions.'
'Oh.' Disconcerted, she said haltingly, 'I thought you meant...'
'I know what you thought.' He released her suddenly. 'I don't want to
marry anyone else, Karen. Once is enough.'
She looked down at her hands, twisted in front of her. 'I know I must [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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