, Diana Palmer Hutton & Co 01 Once In Paris 

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captors again, but she heard all sorts of noises. Marching feet. Mechanical sounds, like guns being
cocked. Loud voices. There were a lot of men in the corridor for several minutes, and then they were
marching away. Outside, she heard sounds like those of aircraft. Not airplanes. Belicopters, perhaps?
She remembered what Philippe Sabon had told her about his plans to garner American intervention,
and she shivered. Be really meant to attack his own people and blame it on a neighboring country. Did
Kurt know that? Was he part of it? And what about Brianne's mother and little Nicholas, where did
they fit into this insanity? Kurt couldn't be so desperate that he'd help Sabon start a war!
Incensed by her lack of sight in here, she popped the chair upside down on the bed-springs and stood
on it, trying to get high enough to see out the window. But all she could manage to see was the blades
of a helicopter go by. This was interesting. Surely it was part of
Diana Palmer
Once in Paris
the assault, and it was ready to start. She couldn't warn anybody. She couldn't even help herself. Surely
Sabon wouldn't kill his own people. He must mean to fake an attack, for the benefit of any foreigners
who might be in residence.
The mainland was several miles away. But the sound of bombs and missiles carried a fair distance, so
when Brianne heard explosions a few minutes later, she knew what they must be. It was too late to
prevent this. If only she could get out of here in time to warn someone back home, before Kurt spoke
to his senator.
She stood, frozen, as she put the pieces of the puzzle together. Kurt was already in the States, Sabon
had said. He knew the attack was coming. He was going to be "conveniently" in Washington when he
was informed of it. He'd tell his senator friend, who'd tell some colleagues, and
No, wait! They'd have to have a hearing and appoint a committee, just as they always did before
sending troops anywhere. She breathed a sigh of relief. There wasn't going to be any danger. What
was she thinking! The Americans weren't like some other nations. They deliber-
ated before they acted. Poor Kurt! And poor Mr. Sabon, too. This was all for nothing.
She got off the bed, turned the chair back over and sat down on it. She didn't need to worry about a
war. Her own situation, and Pierce's, seemed of paramount importance now. She only hoped they
hadn't discovered his identity. His situation was a lot more precarious than her own.
She wondered if he was thinking about her, after their torrid interlude. She didn't dare tell him the
truth about Sabon just yet. When he found out that Sabon was incapable, he'd be furious that he'd gone
to such lengths to protect Brianne. Worse, if he found out that she hadn't taken her birth control pills
for two days, he'd be livid. The threat of pregnancy was a very real one, because she was halfway
between her monthlies the best time for it to happen. She let herself dream about a little boy with
Pierce's dark, wavy hair and black eyes. But it was a sad dream, because he'd hate both of them. He
was still in love with his dead wife. She winced as she recalled something from their intimacy that she
hadn't wanted to remember. Just as he began to relax from the strain and delight of satisfaction, he'd
whispered a name. But it
Diana Palmer
hadn't been Brianne's. She heard the words
echo over and over in her mind. "Margo, dar
ling." " ," " " "
She closed her eyes, trying to blot out the memory of all that passion she'd thought they were sharing.
She'd only been a substitute for his beautiful ghost, and she hadn't known it until it was all over, and
she was about to whisper how much she loved him. She was glad she hadn't. It would only have made
a bad situation worse. He didn't love her.
She wrapped her arms protectively around her chest and refused to think about it anymore, for fear of
going quietly mad in the lonely room. She'd face all the unpleasantness later, when she had the time.
Right now, she had to think up some way to get out of here! Even if Sabon hadn't a chance of
attracting American troops here, his mercenaries could miss their target and accidentally bomb the
house she and Pierce were held in. Or some of his countrymen, unaware of the real identity of their
attackers, might fight back and cause a greater tragedy. While she sympathized with Sabon's position,
she thought his approach to a solution was dead wrong. He had tunnel vision. He only saw his own
role in this, not the greater picture.
Once in Paris
World War in could easily start over such a misguided attempt to protect a small, poor nation. He
wasn't considering any other country except his own. Perhaps he had good intentions, but they were
being lost in his mania. Presumably the elderly sheikh who ruled this country was being kept in the
dark about Philippe's plans. Poor old man. Perhaps he was being held captive, just as she was.
She heard a sound at the window. It came again. The room was viciously hot as the sun came up and
spilled down, making shadowy bar patterns on the tiled floor. There was no glass at the window, only
those iron bars. Suddenly a small projectile whizzed down and landed at her feet. She bent over the
paper-wrapped stone and opened what appeared to be part of an envelope.
"Distract them" was printed in block letters, in English.
She crumpled the paper in her hand and stood up, pursing her lips as she considered the meaning of
the note and the intent behind the words. Her eyes began to twinkle. Well, well, rescue was at hand and
needed a helping hand, hmmm?
She took a deep breath, started worrying her
Diana Palmer
hair and looking as if she couldn't get her breath at all. She grabbed her throat, contracting it a little to
make her face look very red.
"Oh...!" she cried out hoarsely. "Oh...I can't...breathe...my heart!"
She clutched her chest and fell to the floor, giving a very good impression of someone having a heart
attack. At her age it would have been unusual, to say the least, but the guard had been told specifically
by Monsieur Sabon himself to keep her safe. So when he heard her he went running down the hall to
her room, key in hand. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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