, Twin Pines Grizzlies 09 Dedicated Alpha 

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bucks on the counter and thanked the waitress for her service.
She flashed him a concerned frown then a pained smile, like maybe
she, too, was worried about him. Damn. Must be something in his face that
compelled that kind of quick emotional bond out of strangers.
In the parking lot, Dylan Peterson stepped out of the car and made to
climb in back.
 I ll sit in the back. Luke climbed in before Dylan could argue about
the seating. The idea of sitting next to Dillinger for the ride home already
had his dick at half mast. Luke hoped that by staying in the back he could
turn his attention onto something else.  I m sorry that I pushed you.
 It s okay. You were really freaked out. Dylan watched him get into
Dedicated Alpha 69
the rear seat and frowned.  So are we ready to do this?
 Do what? Luke realized he basically had to sit sideways across the
For a long time Dylan darted his glance from Luke to Dillinger, and
then he climbed into the car without saying a word. He was clearly
uncomfortable and kept itching at his arms. If Luke didn t know better,
he d swear that Dylan was jonesing for drugs.
 Are you certain you re all right? Dillinger glanced at Dylan then
returned his gaze to the road.
 I m fine, just confused.
 You two.
 I m simply giving Mr. McCall a ride back to school. Does that clear
things up for you?
 No. Dylan sunk lower in the seat, crossed his arms, and appeared to
be stopping himself from fidgeting by digging his fingers into his biceps.
 Seatbelts on, please. Just like the by-the-book guy he was, Dillinger
kept his hands at ten and two on the steering wheel and kept his gaze alert
by checking his mirrors every few minutes. Even the way the man drove a
car reminded Luke he absolutely had to keep his distance. But that was
going to be difficult. From the back seat, Luke smelled that scent that was
uniquely Dillinger s, and he had to hold his hands to keep himself from
running his fingers through his hair. Maybe it would be easier if they didn t
see each other. Each day the hurt would be a little less until it was gone for
And then Luke s gaze locked on Dillinger s through the rearview
mirror. Cinnamon eyes were focused, intense, and almost tragically hurt.
Luke felt like an utter ass, but he also had no other choice.
70 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Chapter 11
When Dillinger s gaze collided with Luke s in the rearview mirror, he
tried to look away before Luke saw the truth, but he doubted that he had
succeeded. Pain stamped clear lines around his eyes, making him look
grim. Dillinger found cold comfort in the fact that he wasn t the only one
wearing his emotions on his face. Luke s beautiful cerulean blue eyes
seemed paler, and so did his bright blond hair, almost as if he were washed
out from his truncated disappearing act. But at least he wasn t throwing his
life away for whatever Dillinger had done.
As much as he wanted to grill Luke and get to the bottom of the issue
then fix it, because that was the kind of man he was, Dillinger sensed
Luke s utter terror of him doing that. So he didn t. Dillinger would keep his
word and give Luke all the space he needed. And then maybe, just maybe,
Luke would come to him. What was that platitude? If you love someone,
set them free, if they return, they love you back? Something like that.
Frankly, Dillinger thought it was a stupid fucking idea, but it was all he had
at the moment. As a man of his word, he would stay away from the
campus. When he got home, he d toss all those curiosities he d made note
of out of his spiral bound notebook. His determination to uncover the truth
at the college would simmer and burn at the back of his brain, but Dillinger
wouldn t acknowledge the drive to understand what was going on. Not if
doing so would end up hurting Luke. The last thing he d ever wanted to do
was hurt him. Somehow, oblivious to the exact way, Dillinger had damaged
Luke so much he saw his only option as running.
The three of them made no effort to chat on the way home. Dylan was
rubbing his arms absently like his skin was suddenly itchy, and Luke had
turned his gaze out the back window. Dillinger tried not to look at him, but
when he did his check of his mirrors, his gaze lingered on the turn of
Dedicated Alpha 71
Luke s cheek, the way his hair rose up and tousled over that cowlick in the
When they finally arrived at the campus, Dillinger didn t get out of the
car. He didn t make eye contact or speak to either man. He simply waited
for them to exit his vehicle, close the door, and then he drove off.
Dillinger proceeded to drive home while obeying all the speed limits.
He stopped for a full three seconds at all the stop signs. He did all of these
things because he d always done all of these things, but tonight they gave
him peace against the emotional chaos that swirled inside.
His home seemed bigger and emptier than it ever had. He looked at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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