, Amber Kell Protecting His Soul 

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Clearing my throat and trying to hold back my fear, I pushed to my feet and stood on
wobbly legs.
I watched as she reached under the table and pulled out a clear glass ball. She set it on
top of the wooden surface.  Come put your hands on the ball and look inside.
Look inside?
How did one look inside a glass ball? I dared a glance at Cullen. His empty blue-eyed
gaze hardened my resolve. No way could I leave my lover in this half-life, wandering like a
zombie through the rest of his existence& not to mention that the rest of his life could be
endless. I loved him too much to abandon him like that.
I didn t entirely trust the white-eyed woman. She made the hairs on the back of my
neck stand up and shivers take permanent residence in my spine. However, as I didn t have
any other choice, I had to do whatever she asked of me. After all, I couldn t fix Cullen alone,
and from what the other vampires had said, only a few people knew the secret to
reassembling a soul.
With unsteady steps, I approached the table. Leaning down I placed my hands on the
smooth glass surface and looked at the globe. It took me a moment to see anything at all but
when I finally did, I tried to jerk my hands away.
I panicked when my hands stayed put.  I m stuck! I shouted.
Cullen rushed over. He wrapped his large hands around my wrists but he couldn t pull
them away either.
 Leave him, Cullen. He must pass the first step.
 What s the first step? To see if I pee my pants while fused to a glass orb? I could hear
the hysterical edge to my voice, but I had no way of pulling it back. My heart pattered
against my chest as if it were a trapped bird trying to escape a hungry cat.
 Don t be foolish, child. Focus on the globe, she snapped.
As it didn t look like I had any other chance to escape the orb of evil stickiness, I took a
long, calming breath and leant forward to examine the space between my hands. Mist
swirled inside.
Mist& like the creature who had invaded my tub last night.
 Is that&  I couldn t finish forming the question, the idea too horrible to contemplate.
 The Soul Stealers, Mist People& They have many names. As long as soul-filled
creatures have roamed the world, the Mist People have lived to snatch them.
 Why are they in the globe? I might be frightened to hell of the entities but it seemed
cruel to entrap anything into a tiny glass cage.
The Soul Catcher laughed.  They are your test.
 Wha ? Before the  t cleared my lips, I tumbled forward and my world turned into
a grey place of shadow and mist.
I was mistaken about my level of fear before. Now I knew true terror.
I stepped forward, unsure of where I was going or what I was supposed to do. My
footsteps echoed and I had a flashback of a movie I d seen once about Jack the Ripper. If they
threw in a nineteenth-century London background and some cobblestones, the scene would
be set.
 We meet again, Bartholomew, a familiar whispery voice spoke behind me.
I whipped around. Expecting to see a shadowy face, I jumped back when confronted by
the fully formed mist man.
Floating above the mist-covered ground, he moved closer as I moved back a dance I
was becoming oddly familiar with.
His toothy smile brought the same accompanying fear as before.  Bartholomew,
Bartholomew. Can I call you Bart?
 Sure. Why the hell not? What did familiarity matter when he d more than likely rip
out my soul, steal Cullen s and leave me abandoned, hollow and possibly dead in this odd
world. I suspected the Soul Catcher had caught me in her little glass ball and I didn t know
how the fuck to get out.
 Bart, I like you. He floated around me in a circle. I made sure to keep him in view the
entire time.  You have guts. I ve had more than one human lose his bowels when I appear
out of nowhere but you kept your calm. I can t tell you how impressive I find that.
Great, I impressed the terrifying mist dude. My life s path was leading directly to crazy
 Thank you, I finally managed to say. He paused long enough I figured I should say
 You re welcome and so polite, too. The Soul Catcher has a pact with us. We volunteer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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