, Cowboy Lovin' 2 Robert's Rancher Amber Kell 

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 He s too sweet for you, Luke argued.  You ll break his heart.
Those words from Luke were almost too much to take.  I wouldn t do that
intentionally, and unlike you, I m looking for something permanent.
 What if you get injured on the job? Luke persisted, brushing off Bryce s implication.
 Then I ll be injured. I might also get in a fatal car accident. Anything could happen,
Luke I m not a fortune-teller. That doesn t mean I shouldn t try to find some happiness,
Bryce snapped.
 Yeah, you re right, Luke conceded.
Bryce wondered about Luke s attitude. After one night together, Luke had been quite
clear that he didn t want anything long term& painfully clear.
 Anyway, I thought you d be happy I m quitting smoking. You ve been complaining
about it for years, Bryce pointed out.
Luke opened his mouth and then closed it again as if reconsidering his words.  I guess I
never thought you d quit over some guy.
Bryce smiled.  I really like him.
Luke raised his left brow at Bryce s declaration.  It s serious?
Bryce shrugged again.  I don t know yet. Maybe. He s a nice guy who s gainfully
employed and amazing in bed. What s not to like?
 You ve had sex with him? Luke s voice had an odd tone that made Bryce examine his
friend more closely. Luke s blank expression told him nothing but the tightening around his
mouth revealed his distress.
 Yes, so what?
 Nothing. Luke put the binoculars back to his eyes.  I hope it works out for you two.
Tim s a sweet guy.
 Yes, he is. Bryce wondered why Luke s agreement hurt more than anything had in a
while. Shaking his head, he tried to wipe out the idea that Luke cared more than he did. Luke
wouldn t mind if Bryce fucked the entire city as long as he appeared bright and early for
their jobs. Luke worshiped at the altar of punctuality.  Do you think we ll be done early?
Luke waved a hand dismissively.  You can leave if you like. We ve already taken all the
pictures we need. I m going to hang around and get shots of him leaving so we have enough
evidence, but you don t have to stay. Luke s dark eyes remained trained on Bryce.  Have a
Bryce fiddled with the toothpick between his fingers.  I told Tim I d be over for
dinner. He wasn t going to apologise. Luke didn t want him and he d found someone who
did. He might feel attraction and a tinge of regret over Luke, but Bryce s goal this year to
move on with his life appeared to be working well.
His phone rang. Looking at the number on the readout made him smile as he answered.
 Hi Tim, I was just thinking about you. You re not calling to cancel are you? Bryce might
sometimes yearn for the heat of Luke s touch but he adored Tim s gentle ways. For a
hardened soldier, a little kindness meant everything, especially when wrapped in a kind,
sexy and slim package.
 Bryce, are you busy? Tim s nervous tone started alarm bells clanging in Bryce s head.
 Not too busy for you, hon. What s wrong? He kept his voice low and soothing since
Tim s voice bordered on hysterical.
 I-it might be nothing, but I think someone s watching my house.
Bryce gripped his phone tighter as some of Tim s anxiety transferred to him.  Why do
you think that?
Just as Bryce began to think Tim had hung up or their call had been dropped, Tim
spoke again.  You know I ve been a little paranoid since my abduction so I ve been more
careful about checking out my surroundings. There s a guy parked across the street. He s
been sitting there for the past hour. I think he s watching my apartment.
 Why do you think that?
 Because he has a pair of binoculars trained up here. I could be wrong but he s giving
me the willies.
Bryce didn t care if Tim was imagining someone watching his building. If the man
freaked Tim out, he would have to be dealt with. His sweet accountant didn t need any extra
stress in his life. After spending the past several years in a war zone, Tim s arms represented
home and Bryce would do anything to protect his lover.  I ll be right there, baby. Don t do
anything foolish like go talk to him or anything. You stay in your apartment. I m only about
twenty minutes away. After securing Tim s agreement to stay put, Bryce hung up, stood
and grabbed his jacket.  I m off, he told Luke over his shoulder.
 What happened?
Bryce spun around to find Luke standing right behind him.  Tim thinks someone is
watching him.
 You don t think he s just nervous from his kidnapping do you? Luke s brown eyes
darkened with concern and he rubbed his chin, a habit of his when thinking something over.
After five years of being best friends with Luke, Bryce could almost guess the thoughts going
through Luke s brain.
 No. He sounded pretty specific, but I d rather he be paranoid than have a stalker.
Luke grabbed his jacket and snatched up his keys.  I ll clean this up later and we can fill
out the report tomorrow. Let s go.
 What? Why? When had this become a  bring your partner along trip?
A scowl crossed Luke s handsome face.  I like Tim. He s a nice guy. If he thinks
someone is following him we should check it out. And if a guy is really bothering him, you ll
need backup. Nothing against Tim, but I doubt he s armed.
Bryce s mouth dropped open.  I didn t think you would want to waste your Friday
night checking out what might be a false alarm. Even Tim thinks it might be nothing. He s
just worried, so I promised him I d check it out.
 You don t believe him? Luke scowled as if he were offended on Tim s behalf.
Bryce ran his fingers through his hair.  This isn t the first time Tim s called about
something like this. He s been freaked out since his kidnapping. I ve been going over and
keeping him company, that s how we became so close. Sometimes being the person to bring
comfort was a powerful bonding experience.
When Luke s jaw firmed and he showed no signs of backing down, Bryce gave a put
upon sigh to show his annoyance.  Fine, you can come.
Damn, Luke s smile still made his heart skip a beat.
Luke followed Bryce, relieved to be coming along. He needed to see the two men
together. He had to make sure Tim deserved Luke s best friend. Although Luke didn t mind
Bryce having a quick fuck at a club, the idea of Bryce becoming close to someone and having
a relationship made bile rise up in his throat. He genuinely worried for a moment that he d
decorate the window with his swirling stomach contents. He s blown his one shot of keeping [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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