, Diana Palmer Leather and Silk 

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-- and you what, granuja?
--Es blames yours. You seduced --la to me accused he, smiling --. If you clear the dress
and you to you the air has left with those wonderful sines, I cannot do another thing, although
my life depends on it.
-- Because yes that you have been able to wait for the sufficient thing to make me suffer
reproached she to him, ruborizando itself slightly when remembering how it had had to request
to him.
--No you can to imagine how I felt to oírte to suplicar -- it responded, biting to him
smoothly the lips.
—¡My poor man pride! What will have been of him?
--No you are mentirosa. To you also it enchanted to you -- it murmured he, kissing it of an
intimate form, hungry candy and --. ¡Oh, God! -- it exclaimed, dejando to fall the head on his
shoulder --. I would like to continue, but I cannot. So I am tired...
Erin smiled.
--Yo also -- he said, and with a satisfaction sigh, he closed eyes --. I can sleep with you
—¡Clear that you can!
--No me it would raise of here by anything of the world.
--Yo either, perhaps but he appears somebody, and then yes that would be the shame the
one that no he would let to us move to us -- he noticed he and one rose to admire his naked body
--. It could be mirándote thus during all the eternity and not to tire to me.
Erin smiled.
-- You either you are nothing bad.
-- Thus it is like I feel right now -- he confessed, smiling --. It will be better than seen
you before that...
—¡Flatterer! -- she said while she got dressed.
Ty finished of to put the clothes before she, and between kiss and kiss, helped it to get
-- Why you tended our clothes? -- it asked with curiosity.
Ty was crouched in order to take a handful from hay and to show the brambles to him
mezcladas between the straw.
--El hay it is never only hay. Usually there are mixed brambles and wild roses. Imagínate
how you had had left the back with this and my weight on you.
Erin it blushed, and Ty smiled before approaching and kissing it on the forehead.
--Me it enchants verte sonrojada, and enchants knowledge to me that has been no
another man more than I.
--Y to me it pleases to know that you have not gone away to the bed with half of the
women of the zone. I was on the verge of desmayar to me when in San Antonio you told me that
you did not have fact before the love really.
-- Then to others women there would not be so wonderful similarity to them.
--Es that I I am your woman remembered she to him watching it to the eyes.
-- Yes -- he said, swelling itself of pride, You are my wife, my woman.
Erin it embraced him, savoring his force and the new affection that arose between both.
If at least outside lasting!
"¡Oh, Gentleman!", it said in silence. "Please, permíteme to retain it to my side this time.
If you leave me to love to him, and that it loves to me, I will not need any other thing this
To it was an inner corner in Ty to which Erin was incapable to arrive. They made the love
wonderfully and all the nights she slept between her arms, but that proximity lasted only in the
bed; the rest of the time he continued being cold and taciturn man who she had known at first;
in addition, he was accustomed to to watch it with the gathered frown, as if he was worried. It
followed making his exercises and she recovered --, his forces, until the day arrived to return
to New York; she was not that it, wanted to go, but Ty insisted on which had to prove itself to
itself that it could return to work, although Erin did not dare a to ask itself if it were that
simplemente or was tired of her or if culpability feeling had terminado being superior to all the
The same one she took to the airport, and she had to make enormous esfuerzo retain
tears throughout the way. Ty took the suitcase to him until the terminal and it hoped to that it
registered it. When it finished, she became towards him; its eyes green they had been
darkened, but Ty did not dare to read nothing in that watched. She had to feel pain by him,
thought. It was going to return to the life that it wanted and she felt been thankful because it
were masses in removing it from apathy in which it had fallen after the accident. But not that
its mercy or his gratitude, not even the magic of its body burning grease his in the dark. It
wanted love. Only that.
Erin it approached him, and vaguely account of which from that morning occurred in barn,
she had had to all initiate the movements All those nights, it had eased up in the bed next to
her, but he had not touched unless it demonstrated to him that she wished it. It was a very
strange relation. Ty gave him everything what it wanted, from dresses to sex but only if she
requested it.
-- Vas a to throw to me of less? -- Erin with an outline asked of are in the lips.
--La bed goes a to be very cold.
--Te I will send a hot water stock market -- she joked.
Ty him it caressed the cheek smoothly.
--Si some time you need to me, llámame. I will be there in the first airplane.
Erin smiled. It liked the possessive note of its voice.
--Lo I will remember -- it promised. Then they called for the last time to the passengers
of its flight and she it watched it scared.
-- Everything will leave well -- it assured --. Now you are strong. You will do it well.
-- You create? -- she asked, trying not to cry --. Dame a kiss, Ty -- it whispered.
It held it by shoulders and it quickly kissed it on the lips.
-- I know a good one girl.
-- What another one thing I can be if I do not have to you close? ¡Oh, Ty...
It was hung of its neck and kissed it with all its forces, other people's to the other
passengers, and it retained until he. one retired suddenly, with desire shining to him in the eyes.
Erin had to breathe deeply not to lose and balance.
-- Llámame when you arrive at the hotel -- it indicated.
--Lo I will do -- she answered. feeling already single --. Cuídate, Ty.
-- You also. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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